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Effective B2B Marketing Strategies: How to Develop a Deeper Understanding of Your Client

Updated: Mar 21

In marketing, one can stumble upon companies with a flair for creativity in their campaigns and video materials. They strive to convey a local, efficient, and often humorous image, which is an approach that works wonderfully for some audiences. However, the problem arises when this approach doesn't align with the expectations of their clients.

These companies embark on a journey to create a meme-worthy image, aiming to portray themselves as entities with compelling stories. This storytelling approach can be a resounding success, especially in the realm of business-to-consumer (B2C) products. After all, consumers often have a soft spot for products or brands with a compelling narrative.

But when we shift our focus to the world of business-to-business (B2B) companies, the storytelling strategy becomes a bit more nuanced. Beyond the foundational company story, B2B clients often require a different approach. Why? Because understanding your customer and their decision-making process is crucial in B2B interactions.

What makes or breaks a deal here is the human interaction

Imagine your client as a middle-aged office worker, nearing retirement, responsible for a substantial budget and answerable to a board of directors. Their primary concern is not the romantic story behind your company's inception; it's about practicality, ROI, and clear solutions to the challenges they face.

While your company's background story can certainly add charm, it shouldn't overshadow the core message you communicate in your marketing efforts.

For B2B companies, the background story takes a backseat because the clients are not individuals but organizations making decisions that will significantly impact their future operations.

What truly matters in these cases is demonstrating how your solution is the best fit for their needs. This involves showcasing customer testimonials, outlining your services clearly without jargon, and emphasizing the value you bring.

Moreover, the notion of creating a strong social media presence doesn't always hold true in the B2B sphere.

Why? Because your potential clients, often executives and decision-makers, are not scouring TikTok for solutions to their business problems. B2B marketing often thrives on more traditional methods, and funny YouTube videos won't necessarily convince a company to invest significantly in your solutions.

In B2B, what truly makes or breaks a deal is human interaction. Attending conventions, networking at events, engaging in golf course conversations, and participating in sauna evenings are all part of building robust business partnerships.

Cold calling, introducing new offers to companies and executives, and utilizing email marketing are tried-and-true methods that should not be overlooked.

Office supplies on a desk

Why you can't rely on MQL (marketing qualified leads).

Now, let's address the misconception surrounding Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs). Every marketing team aspires to bring value to the table. However, their role is not solely about generating leads because, even if they do generate leads, the quality may not always meet expectations.

Filling out a form on a landing page doesn't guarantee a paying customer; often, it results in users testing your platform or fake accounts. Claims of social media posts magically attracting paying customers should be met with skepticism.

The true value of a marketing team in the B2B realm lies in maintaining a company's reputation, providing well-prepared materials for client meetings, organize events, and conducting PR activities to raise awareness among potential customers.

Marketing doesn't have to be digital by default; it simply needs to be effective. "Old-school" methods like flyers, brochures, expos, events, or even sending a box of donuts to a potential client's office can be more valuable than digital ad campaigns in certain scenarios.

So, what are your customers really paying for in the B2B world? They are paying for solutions to their problems. And how do you identify those problems? Through thorough conversations and active listening, mainly about how their company operates.

Funny memes and videos on social media won't address these complex issues. B2B products are sold based on Return on Investment (ROI), and your reputation (handled by the marketing team) and clear value proposition on your website and social media channels play a pivotal role.

When a potential client hears about your company and decides to do some online research, they should find a treasure trove of informative materials you've left for them.

In conclusion, many businesses struggle in the realm of B2B marketing because they assume clients will come through LinkedIn, Google, or other social media channels. However, the truth often lies in the "old-school" channels of B2B, like articles in industry magazines, handshakes at expos, conversations on the golf course, or mentions of your company in academic theses or studies. To succeed in B2B marketing, it's essential to embrace a multifaceted strategy that goes beyond memes and social media posts.

So what can you do?

Understand Your Audience:

  • Identify and thoroughly understand your B2B audience, including their roles, challenges, and decision-making processes.

  1. Craft a Clear Value Proposition:

    • Develop a concise and clear value proposition that emphasizes how your solution addresses your audience's specific pain points. It needs to be the first thing they see when they go to your website.

  1. Prioritize Reputation Management:

    • Invest in maintaining a strong and impeccable company reputation, which is a key asset in the B2B world.

  1. Prepare Quality Marketing Materials:

    • Ensure that your marketing materials are well-prepared, up-to-date, and aligned with your company's value propositions. No empty promises just to get the client to sign the agreement. Stick to what you have and can offer.

  1. Engage in PR Activities:

    • Conduct PR activities to raise awareness of your company among potential customers, including mentions in industry publications, studies and research.

  1. Attend Conventions and Events:

    • Participate in industry conventions and events to establish and nurture business relationships, as human interaction remains crucial in B2B. Visit the afterparty if needed.

  1. Networking:

    • Engage in networking opportunities, both formal and informal, such as golf course conversations and sauna evenings. Being introduced to someone should not be taken lightly.

  1. Cold Calling and Email Marketing:

    • Implement cold calling strategies to introduce your offerings to companies and executives.

    • Utilize email marketing to reach potential clients with tailored messages and offers. Avoid spamming and providing unnecessary information that your clients don't need. Similar to how Google displays ads tailored to your preferences, you should send emails and newsletters customized for each client, considering their industry, challenges, and relevant news.

  2. Optimize Online Presence:

    • Optimize your website and social media channels to emphasize your value proposition and provide informative materials for potential clients. Stop trying to go viral. Educate and simplify the value proposition, anyone needs to understand what is it that you do.

  1. Utilize "Old-School" Methods:

    • Consider traditional methods like flyers, brochures, and participation in expos and events, which can still be highly effective.

  1. Rethink Social Media Strategies:

    • Tailor your social media strategies to the B2B audience, understanding that decision-makers are not typically found on platforms like TikTok.

  1. Focus on ROI:

    • Shift your messaging to focus on Return on Investment (ROI) and how your solution can deliver tangible results.

  1. Reevaluate the Role of Marketing Teams:

    • Understand that the role of marketing teams extends beyond lead generation. They play a critical role in maintaining reputation and supporting client interactions. They create the face of the company and, no, you cannot do it yourself on your free time or let your niece to maintain you social media channels, because you need consistent and professional material that is easy to read, understand and remember.

  1. Emphasize Human Interaction:

    • Recognize the importance of face-to-face interactions, business meetings, and networking events in building solid B2B partnerships.

  1. Tailor Marketing Materials:

    • Customize marketing materials and messages to resonate with your B2B audience, addressing their specific needs and concerns.

  1. Measure and Adjust:

    • Continuously monitor the effectiveness of your B2B marketing efforts and be willing to adapt your strategies based on performance metrics. Just because your presence at an expo can't be measured using Google Analytics doesn't mean it can't be measured at all. Consider distributing cards with QR codes that have UTM links in them and ask leads where they learned about you, then log that data for analysis. The methods I suggest may be offline, but that doesn't mean they can't be measured.

If your company is navigating the complex terrain of B2B marketing and is seeking expert guidance, Happy Crocus is here to assist you. Our seasoned team understands the intricacies of B2B relationships and can provide tailored solutions to optimize your marketing strategies. Whether you require assistance in refining your value proposition, enhancing your online presence, or exploring effective offline marketing avenues, we have the expertise to help you achieve your B2B marketing goals. Let us partner with you to create a marketing strategy that resonates with your audience and drives tangible results.

If your company is seeking high-quality short-form video and content creation to set itself apart from competitors (but you're not sure where to begin), allow us at Happy Crocus Oy to lend a hand. We specialize not only in producing engaging short-form videos but also in content creation, marketing strategy, and consulting.

Unsure about the best approach for your content strategy? Get in touch with us for a consultation, and let's explore how we can elevate your content to new heights. Alternatively, subscribe to our mailing list for exclusive insights and advice on short-form video creation and content strategies—tailored for those aiming for growth, optimization, and success.


How can B2B companies effectively market their products and services?

  • Answer: B2B companies can effectively market their products and services by prioritizing practicality, ROI, and clear solutions to their clients' challenges. This involves showcasing customer testimonials, outlining services clearly without jargon, and emphasizing the value they bring.

What role does storytelling play in B2B marketing?

  • Answer: In B2B marketing, storytelling takes a more nuanced approach compared to B2C. While storytelling can add charm, it shouldn't overshadow the core message communicated in marketing efforts. B2B clients prioritize practicality and clear solutions over romantic narratives.

Are traditional marketing methods still effective for B2B companies?

  • Answer: Yes, traditional marketing methods such as cold calling, attending conventions, and engaging in networking events remain highly effective for B2B companies. Human interaction plays a crucial role in building robust business partnerships.

What are Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) and their significance in B2B marketing?

  • Answer: Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) represent potential customers who have shown interest in a company's offerings. However, their significance in B2B marketing is often overestimated, as generating leads doesn't guarantee quality or conversions.

How should B2B companies tailor their social media strategies?

  • Answer: B2B companies should tailor their social media strategies to resonate with decision-makers who are typically not found on platforms like TikTok. Instead, they should focus on providing informative materials, emphasizing ROI, and maintaining a professional online presence.

For more answers, click here.


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